Planar electrochromatography is an effective technique combining electric field with thin-layer chromatography, which could perform the separation with short time, high resolution and small sample. 薄层电色谱技术将电场力的作用引入薄层色谱的分离过程中,具有分离时间短、分辨率高等特点,将可能在物质分析分离中发挥重要作用。
Research into application of image treatment in planar chromatography 数字图像处理技术在平面色谱中应用的研究
Affinity Chromatography This study show the amino sample can be separated by planar chromatography. 研究还表明对于氨基酸混合物通过纸色谱分离显色,进行扫描定量分析的最大误差不超过11%。
Therefore, the condition for applying chromatography principle in TLC and exchanging the data between column and planar chromatography was established. 该方法消除了流动相的体积梯度,使得Rf值更接近比移率R,为色谱基本理论在薄层色谱技术中的应用和柱色谱与平板色谱数据的互换创造了条件。
The development and application of a new system for true color image treatment in planar chromatography 平面色谱真彩色图像处理系统的开发和应用